Friday, September 19, 2008

Good Lord

The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations has formally disinvited all politicians from its rally on Monday, September 22, to protest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s presence at the U.N. General Assembly.

The decision was made to disinvite Palin — the chief executive of one of the 50 state of the union as well as the vice-presidential candidate of one of the two major parties in the United States. According to Ben Smith of Politico:

The appearance that the non-partisan group was aligning with the Republican ticket put the group and its president, Malcolm Hoenlein, under heavy pressure from Jewish Democrats, including members of the conference, members of Congress, and the liberal group J Street, not to give Palin a platform, sources said. Hoenlein told the McCain campaign that he would have to rescind Palin’s invitation or cancel the rally
The McCain camp has issued a statement in Palin's name: [partial]

Governor Palin was pleased to accept an invitation to address this rally and show her resolve on this grave national security issue, regrettably that invitation has since been withdrawn under pressure from Democratic partisans. Preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons should be a shared goal of every American, not another occasion for partisan posturing.
[aligning with the Republican party? They'd invited Hillary first - who believes that drivel?

So, rather than a united front against self-described enemies of this nation, we'll have nobody. marvelous. I can hear president I'manidiot laughing his ass off...]


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