Friday, September 19, 2008

Ahmadinejad ‘Israel cannot survive in any shape or form’

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday that Israel was perpetrating a holocaust on the Palestinian people.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference ahead of his visit to New York, Ahmadinejad also repeated previous anti-Israel comments, calling the Holocaust by Nazi Germany a "fake."

The Iranian President stated that the Jewish state wouldn't survive in any form.

He smirked at a former mantra of the Israeli right of a "Greater" Israel that would include occupied Palestinian territories, saying that while "some say the idea of Greater Israel has expired, I say the idea of a lesser Israel has expired."

[Once again we see inverted Islamic reality on display: the numbers of Pali-Arabs since the creation of the Jewish state has increased by 700 %. Some Palestinian holocaust]


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