Wednesday, August 20, 2008

To Drill, or Not to Drill

... The answer that [Governor of Alaska] Palin makes a straightforward case for drilling in ANWR.:

"One of the pieces of a solution is allowing exploration on that little 2,000 acre plot of land out of the 20 million acres up there in the coastal plain."
The 2,000 acres that Palin refers to is the area that a drilling site would require--"smaller than the size of LAX," as she puts it.

"With new technology and directional drilling and other measures that can be taken today to minimize even that footprint. We know that this can be done safely and this can be managed well."
She added:

"And I know up here in Alaska, most every Alaskan believes that ANWR should be drilled, and no one cares more about Alaska's environment--our lands, our wildlife, our fresh air, our clean water--than Alaskans themselves. And we know that this can be allowed safely, cleanly, ethically--this type of exploration and development of an American supply of energy."
That last point is significant...

[where do all the bad guys of the world get the money to cause trouble? Us. We financed the invasion of Georgia: it's a consequence of >100$ oil due to our arbitrary refusal to contribute to world supply.]


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