Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Perata says sales tax idea is only 'a start'

Democrat Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata today welcomed Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed 1-cent sales tax hike as "a start," but declared budget negotiations are at an impasse and said he does not expect a quick resolution.

Perata's comments, following a Senate session, were his first since Schwarzenegger proposed the 'temporary' sales tax increase over the weekend in an effort to bridge the state's $15.2 billion deficit and bring an end to the 36-day budget standoff.

"I'm glad the governor has come around to saying publicly what we've known all along - that we have to have taxes in order to correct the problems we're in right now," said Perata, D-Oakland. "So I say it's a start."
[it starts and ends with higher taxes. spending decreases? none.]


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