Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bill Richardson Self-Destructs on CNN [?]

Team Obama has GOT to get Bill Richardson away from cameras.

He's on CNN right now. He said that "a President Obama would have a good strong relationship with Russia, and this sort of thing wouldn't happen." (paraphrased; I'll check against the transcript when it's available.)

Richardson just said that McCain is "irrationally make threats" by urging the G8 to expel Russia, and "that's only gonna make matters worse."

Of course. Russia has killed thousands, turned tens of thousands into refugees, they're advancing on the capital, the airport's been bombed, the pipeline is endangered, and the Georgian navy vessels are sinking to the bottom of the Black Sea. But throwing Russia out of the G8 - that will be the true disaster.

He has once again called for going to the United Nations Security Council to get a ceasefire.


Of course, if Russia wanted a ceasefire, they could just... cease firing. The Georgians are begging for a ceasefire.

[the question is did Richardson 'self destruct', or just tell it like a 'citizen of the world' sees things?]


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