Thursday, August 14, 2008

NYT Goes on Attack Against Anti-Obama Book

For years, the New York Times has praised misleading books from liberal authors attacking President Bush and the war in Iraq: Tomes by Michael Moore, Seymour Hersh, Kitty Kelley, Richard Clarke, Jane Mayer, and Ron Suskind -- too many to mention.

Yet when a wildly successful book [debuted at #1] appears that attacks the Times's favored candidate, Democrat nominee Barack Obama, the paper unloads a front-page attack against... a book.

The Times certainly never deployed such aggressive opinionating to the anti-Bush screeds that have come over the transom - indeed, the paper blessed them with favorable reviews. If the Times does lower itself to actually review the Corsi book, expect the review to be brazenly hostile.

This isn't a new pattern: In the month before the 2004 election, the Times gave "Unfit for Command," the famous book outlining the case against Kerry by the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a 100% negative review, while at the same time praised "The Family," a trashy Kitty Kelley biography of the Bush political dynasty.


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