Thursday, August 14, 2008

A festival of grovelling to terrorists

Have you heard about the first novel by a young American woman that has become the “new Satanic Verses”, sparking terrorist attacks on the publishers and riots by Islamic militants that make the protests against Salman Rushdie's book look like an English tea party?

No, you probably won't have, since there is no book for anybody to riot about. The US publishers Random House pulled The Jewel of Medina by Sherry Jones, due out today, on the ground that it “might be offensive to some in the Muslim community” and “could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment".

There had been no acts of violence or terrorism, nor even threats or protests.

All that happened was that one non-Muslim associate professor of Islamic history at the University of Texas, who was sent a proof copy, apparently cautioned that the book would be seen as “a declaration of war... explosive stuff... a national security issue” and more offensive than The Satanic Verses. There swiftly followed a riot of retreating publishers... [snip]

It looks like another example of a quiet wave of self-censorship and cultural cowardice sweeping Western art circles...

[Home of the Brave: they only scream about free speech when it's against those who are civilized and safe...]


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