Thursday, July 31, 2008

World Citizen

World citizens embrace the idea that the United Nations and other multinational organizations are imbued with a moral authority not found in nation-states like ours. When he was the Democratic Party standard-bearer, Senator John Kerry famously described American foreign and defense policy as only being legitimate when it passed a “global test” – in other words, approval by the international community. [snip]

To further such a subordination of American power, the transnationalists have enmesh the United States in a web of treaties: the World Trade Organization (which now routinely rules against U.S. companies and economic interests while giving a pass to Communist China’s); the International Criminal Court (which has just established an ominous precedent for U.S. officials by indicting the sitting president of Sudan); and the Law of the Sea Treaty (which assigns unprecedented responsibilities for control of the oceans to international organs). [snip]

A riveting insight into this reality was provided a few months back when the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre addressed a meeting in New Orleans, the scene following Hurricane Katrina of the forceful disarmament of law-abiding U.S. citizens. Mr. LaPierre showed a video which included a chilling statement from a senior UN official to the effect that, while she understood Americans were reluctant to part with their firearms, they had better get used to being citizens of the world just like everybody else...

[this is another creeping vine issue: it's their day-job, week in, week out, to work on suborning national sovereignties - the {short term} holey grail? LOST: Law Of the Sea Treaty, which, if we're foolish enough to sign, will allow the UN to tax US companies directly, removing {in time} any need to worry about being given member dues...]


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