Thursday, July 31, 2008

When green was easy

... now that the Soviet Union has collapsed and socialism in general has miserably failed, the left has been reenergized by New Age environmentalism, like Marxism a quasi-religion that provides an even more comprehensive justification for restricting individual freedom and its economic expression in the form of market capitalism.

The leftist project of replacing socialism with environmentalism as an ideological organizing principle has culminated with global warming theory, an apocalyptic scenario that has proved much more salable than anything Karl Marx could come up with.

Global warming was the perfect expression of environmentalism as ideology and religion because it went farther than Marxism to discredit not just capitalism but industrialism and consumerism as well. Communism appealed to people’s hopes, environmentalism more generally and global warming more specifically to their darkest fears...

[short, Highly Recommended > ]


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