Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Earth cools slowly while professor babbles

Global warming theory is that the 25 years of warming to around 1998 was almost all caused by man's greenhouse gases, and the more gases we pump out, the more the world must warm.

Well, we've kept pumping out more gases faster than ever - 3 per cent more every year so far this century, thanks mainly to booming China and India - and here's the odd thing. The world hasn't warmed for a decade.

That contradicts the predictions of the influential International Panel on Climate Change, as well as of Professor James Hansen, Al Gore's climate change guru. (To see how their predictions failed to match the real weather, see my blog [Recommended] for graphs.)

But the point remains that all the models were supposed to have factored in such natural variables, yet couldn't predict the world's temperature a few years out while claiming to predict frighteningly high temperatures as far out as 2100.

So the question isn't why I won't put faith in the man-made global warming theory, but why Brook still does...


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