Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Breeding Evil: Hezb'allah's Children

The malignancy of Hezb'allah has finally destroyed any hope for a Lebanese democracy; each negotiation was a tool, every cease-fire, all the feigned diplomacy mere opportunity to maneuver... playing the UN for the fools they are, and the US for time.

There is no elected government. The Associated Press misrepresents Hezb'allah as a "militia and political force," unable to label them the terrorist organization they are, and as they steal the legitimacy their crimes should deny them, the AP codifies it and millions in the West are duped.

UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon said he was encouraged by the "prisoner swap" and hoped it was the first of many more. As only the Hezb'allah prisoners happened to be alive, I'm sure he does. UN troops saluted the terrorist remains as they passed into Southern Lebanon; it was a minor appeasement in all that the UN does to undermine lasting peace, but a horrible foretelling...


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