Friday, June 6, 2008

Time to Curb “Code Pink”

Finally, a member of Congress has announced a laudable plan to do something about the abusive behavior of demonstrators of the anti-war left. (Snip) The First Amendment protects vitriolic insults to military personnel, but anti-war anarchy goes beyond constitutional rights of free speech. In trying to muscle the Marines, the Berkeley City Council and Code Pink demonstrators went too far. Rep. Akin’s “Freedom to Serve” bill would help to protect the all-volunteer force, and his efforts deserve support. [snip]

The work of military recruiters is essential to maintain the volunteer force. To protect them, Rep. Akin has introduced The Freedom to Serve Act of 2008 (FSA). Rep. Akin’s legislation, HR 6023, would make it a federal crime to undermine or prevent military recruiting through vandalism and acts of violence or intimidation...


" HR 6023 Freedom to Serve Act of 2008 (FSA)"
YOUR Congressman

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