Friday, June 13, 2008

Losing the Information War with Amendment 56
The Democrats are angry.

Despite investing enormous effort undermining the military, things are going fairly well in Iraq. The anti-Bush themes of an "Iraqi quagmire" and "surge failure" were premature, and all the congressional show hearings, the choreographed Code Pink performance art and the smears were for naught. The president and the military [eventually] did it right, and the Democrats got it wrong.

Time for a little vengeance on the Pentagon.

The House passed Amendment 56 to the Defense Authorization Act for FY 2009, prohibiting the Department of Defense from engaging in "publicity" programs, banning funding for such programs and calling for an investigation by the Government Accounting Office.

The three sponsors of the Bill, Representatives Hodes, DeFazio and DeLauro, vote along party lines. Despite clear evidence to the contrary, they hold to their perspective that Iraq is a failure and the American people and the media have been deceived. [snip]

In the battle for the hearts and minds of the American people, the Democrats work hard to silence information that undermines their agenda and they are winning. While the military fights for victory, Democrats plot their defeat, not on the battlefield, but in the minds of the very citizens they serve. In this, they diminish us as a nation and inch us ever closer to defeat.

The political fight for America's access to the truth, whatever the source, is one battle the military cannot fight for us. They must remain apolitical. This is a fight we, the people, must win for them.

[long, but Highly Recommended as an example of the depths politicians will stoop to acquire power > ]


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