Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We're (Still) No. 1

Newsweek thinks the U.S. is fading in a "post-American world." We beg to differ. As in earlier times, reports of our impending demise are greatly exaggerated. The Soviets were going to bury us, remember? We buried them.

OK, maybe we no longer have 'the world's largest shopping mall' or 'the world's largest Ferris wheel' {Newsweek's indicators}, but that's not what the millions who sail past Lady Liberty are looking for.

They are looking for freedom, the freedom to live out their lives and dreams as they, not their governments or feudal masters, see fit. They seek better lives for their children knowing that hard work and ambition in this new land will be rewarded.

Newsweek notes the world's largest refinery is being built in India. The nation that put men on the moon hasn't built one in more than three decades. Government and environmentalism run amok have made us afraid of our own shadow. That can change and must.

Newsweek says "the facts on the ground — unemployment numbers, foreclosure rates, deaths from terror attacks — are simply not dire enough to explain the present atmosphere of malaise" in which [it says] most Americans are stuck.

Perhaps it's the constant barrage of cover stories such as Newsweek's that explain it.



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