Thursday, May 15, 2008


America is indeed exceptional by any plausible definition of the term and actually has grown increasingly exceptional over time, say Peter H. Schuck and James Q. Wilson, editors of "Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation."

• Three-quarters of Americans say they are proud to be Americans; only one-third of the people in France, Italy, Germany, and Japan give that response about their own countries.
• Two-thirds of Americans believe that success in life depends on one's own efforts; only one-third of Europeans say that.
Schuck said that Understanding America casts a new light on American exceptionalism by examining it at a micro level. He identified several overarching themes that connect the essays:

• American culture is different; its patriotism, individualism, religiosity and spirit of enterprise make it different.
• American constitutionalism is unique in its emphasis on individual rights, decentralization and suspicion of government authority.
• Our uniquely competitive, flexible and decentralized economy has produced a high standard of living for a long time.

Lastly, America has been diverse throughout its history, say the authors. The percentage of non-native English speakers in the United States was actually greater in 1790 than it was in 1990...


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