Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama's Plan for NASA

After 2010, the Shuttles are gone. The Constellation project will provide the vehicles for the next big step in space exploration. That is unless Barack Obama becomes our 44th president. The last paragraph in his 15-page "Plan For Lifetime Success Through Education" reads:

The early education plan will be paid for by delaying the NASA Constellation Program for five years...
Something interesting happens in the Obama campaign document entitled "Barack Obama's Plan For American Leadership in Space." The "something" is that there's nothing in there about "American leadership in space." It states,
"As president, Obama will support the development of this vital new platform [CEV] to ensure that the United States' reliance on foreign space capabilities is limited to the minimum possible time period."
And for how long does the U.S. postpone a new space transport capability? Obama's answer is the "minimum possible time period." In the meantime, the U.S. space program sits on the tarmac.

So there it is. The Global Social Worker aims to shift funds from space exploration to federal pre-schools. All this suggests the most poignant irony of this entire campaign season.

Barack Obama, the candidate who has often been portrayed by some in the media as Kennedyesque, would leave the space exploration legacy of JFK sitting idle on the beach.

[and exposing us to a growing threat from China in space, by making us reliant on other nations for or lift capacity (needed to maintain, say, military and communication satellites). What will other nations do when China tells 'em not to lift our stuff, threatening economic warfare against them if they don't comply (which, we must never forget, as a totalitarian nation it's capable of doing). This is extraordinarily foolish.]


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