Monday, May 12, 2008

NC-IN Primary Data the Media Won't Emphasize

The New York Times's stories for tomorrow's print edition ("Support for Clinton Wanes as Obama Sees Finish Line" and "Pundits Declare the Race Over") clearly point in those directions. The first describes North Carolina as "a decisive loss" for Mrs. Clinton. The second shows how determined the Times appears to be to come up with evidence that Obama has the nomination in the bag, as it actually notes the despised Matt Drudge's headline link earier today to Tim Russert's "The Nominee" video.

Wait a minute.

Jim Geraghty at National Review online appears to be about the only person to have caught the obvious: Barack Obama's overwhelming support from African-Americans means that he performed miserably with the rest of the voters.

Did he ever: [snip: two graphs, basically showing the bellow contention...]

I contend that if this were almost any other candidate, the press would be asking him how he can possibly win the general election if he could get only 35% of the non-African-American vote in North Carolina, and just 41% of it in the state just east of his home state of Illinois.

[btw: if we must focus on the role of racism in this campaign, don't the numbers of 91% (NC) and 90% (IN) support of blacks for Obama suggestion that perhaps the preponderance of racial bias might not be among whites?][has any other candidate ever garnered ninety-percent of any demographic?]


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