Monday, May 12, 2008

Congress needs to get out of the way and let U.S. tap its oil supply

The nation's economy is totally geared to using oil, and unless Congress comes to its senses and allows ANWR and other abundant untapped domestic oil sources to be drilled, the U.S. will remain at the mercy of foreign oil suppliers for many years to come, despite all our conservation efforts and hoped-for but still-unrealized alternative energy and fuel plans.

Big oil companies aren't our enemy; they are the companies that supply and refine the oil and gasoline our economy must have. It's a mammoth, costly effort, and penalizing them financially for being successful makes no sense. It would be akin to the long-ago days when doctors thought they could heal patients by draining off some of their blood; exactly the wrong thing to do.

We're also left wondering how much higher than $100 a barrel the price of oil has to go before Congress ceases to be the cork that keeps America's untapped domestic oil supply bottled up underground. We've got the oil we need. Let's use it to bring down oil prices (and all other prices) and improve our national security...


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