Thursday, February 7, 2008

Too Much America Bashing: Bad For World’s Security

Some critics of the American led war against terrorism still retort that the allies’ interventation has yet to achieve its goal in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is true but they must not forget the fact that the allies are patiently accumulating the fruits of successes. American troops have endured strategical mistakes in Iraq but the emerging semblance of order gives the world justifiable optimism and a new energy to the American troops in Iraq.

Though it was lambasted the world over, America kept its cool and never lashed out, but instead demonstrated patience, determination, and are now, at least smelling success in what was earlier doomed as the cavernous graveyard of the twenty first century. But the war is not finished yet, for all the recent successes in Iraq, America has no illusion that this war is over. The road looks uncertain as ever, but there certainly is a light at the end of the tunnel.

So when America is waging the global war against terror by putting its economy at stake, why are not we supporting America? Had the US done it for its own safety then it would have been different but it is fighting terrorism, the hydra headed monster, so why the heck are we, sitting in an arm chair complaining the America led war...


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