Thursday, February 7, 2008

NYT: McCain 2007 Summer Slump Caused by Moves to Right

Former New York Times White House reporter Elisabeth Bumiller is on the campaign trail after writing a book on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, but Monday's "Once a Thorn, McCain Now Courts a Wary Party" betrayed some ignorance about the nature of past opposition to McCain.

Mr. McCain learned that the hard way: The maverick who ran against George W. Bush in 2000 headed into the 2008 race with all the expensive accouterments of the front-runner, only to lose some of his political identity when he embraced evangelicals and the Republican orthodoxy of tax cuts, not to mention an unpopular war. By last summer Mr. McCain's campaign had all but collapsed and he was flying into New Hampshire alone to meet with small clutches of voters.

Bumiller is trying to suggest McCain's support collapsed in the summer when he began appealing to conservatives on taxes -- but it was his strong support of amnesty for illegal immigrantion that cost him dearly among Republicans.

[a frequent ploy employed by the MSM: 'steal the message', whereby you take facts (McCain's loss) and attach a completely wrong 'analysis' of its cause...]


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