Monday, June 7, 2010

Americans Sick and Tired of Motorized Transportation, Transportation Secretary Says

Subject: txt libs othr bdd fnn sclm bbro - engry grn -
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Friday that Americans are “tired” of motorized transportation and its attendant hassles, and instead are looking for other options such as bicycle lanes and walking paths, which the government will add to its infrastructure.

“People are sick of being stuck in traffic, stuck in their automobiles, and we want to help communities and neighborhoods that want more walking paths or biking paths—more transit,”

LaHood told

[Demonstrably false, as evidenced every morning and evening on virtually every highway in the nation, where the vast majority of tax payers continue to use the best form of private transportation there is - cars - despite all the "attendant hassles" purposely imposed on drivers by governments to make it as unpalatable as possible.

This isn't just any wacko pushing this disinformation, he's Obama's appointed Transportation Secretary empowered to force his radical view on the rest of us.

Appointments are policy. We need change the appointers.]


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