Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why the Texas Textbook Debate Matters

Subject: txt edu hots hstry - child -
Is America a “constitutional republic” or a “democratic” one? Is Country & Western more of a significant cultural movement than Hip Hop? Is there such a thing as “separation of church and state”?

These are but a few of the hundreds of questions the 15 elected members of the Texas State Board of Education [SBOE] have been agonizing over for nearly a year as they struggled to reach an agreement and adopt the Lone Star State’s standards for social studies.

The vote is in, and the social studies standards were finally adopted last week following a marathon debate that was often contentious and racially charged. [Guess who brought race into it.]

“We are adding balance,” to a liberal bias, says Dr. Don McLeroy, a practicing dentist and Republican from Bryan.

“They can just pretend this is a white America and Hispanics don’t exist,” said Democrat Mary Helen Berlang.

[You decide.]


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