Tuesday, May 25, 2010

POLL: 68% Oppose Boycotts of Arizona Over New Immigration Law

Subject: txt immig cali -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 14% of Adults think it’s a good idea for cities or states to join that boycott. Ten percent (10%) don’t care one way or the other, and nine percent (9%) more are undecided.

Forty percent (40%), in fact, say they would avoid doing business with any city or state that boycotts Arizona. Forty-three percent (43%) disagree and would continue to do business with boycotting cities or states. Seventeen percent (17%) aren’t sure.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters nationwide favor passage of a law like Arizona’s in their own state. When asked specifically about the chief provision of the Arizona law, support is even higher. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters believe a police officer should be required to check the immigration status of anyone stopped for a traffic violation or violation of some other law if he suspects the person might be an illegal immigrant.


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