Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If 'truth' has no meaning, then who will stop genocide?

Subject: txt edu child islm bdd -
Conservative journalist and author David Horowitz spoke at the University of California, San Diego, last week. During the Q-and-A session, student Jumanah Imad Albahri, communications director of UCSD's Muslim Students Association, was incensed by Horowitz's assertion that campus Muslim groups may be connected to terrorist organizations. Horowitz responded by asking if Albahri would condemn Palestinian terror organization Hamas, "here and now."

She refused.

So it's not surprising at least one of Albahri's teachers claims she's been victimized.

"I'm saddened that this speaker -- her elder -- manipulated the conversation in this fashion to make her look like someone she isn't, out of an egotistical desire to prove his own point, rather than engaging in a constructive dialogue. A perfect example of why the peace process is limping forward so painfully,"

wrote Anita Casavantes Bradford, who has taught Albahri.

In other words, the people who don't agree with Hitler are the ones holding up the Mideast peace process.

Got it. Today's college students are getting the lesson loud and clear -- even genocide is a post-modern construct.

Professors will no doubt continue to teach that ideas are relative. But no academic is clever enough to wish away the terrible consequences that will befall us when we're unable to recognize pure evil when we see it...



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