Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Classroom Gore: Global Warming Goes to School

Subject: txt grn edu -
A national campaign was launched today to get public schools that have shown Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to give equal time to the opposing view of global warming.

A judge in England ruled in 2007 than "An Inconvenient Truth" had nine significant errors in it and was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change...

"I don't think political propaganda belongs in schools, especially the younger grades," Katz said. "Unfortunately, so much of what passes for environmental education has very little to do about facts about the environment and has to do with the government control of our property and every other aspect of our lives. ... I don't think any of that stuff should be school material. No matter what side the filmmakers are coming from, I don't think any of that stuff belongs in the classroom."

Katz criticized school systems that have shown the Gore film.

"It says that whatever curriculum oversight there is, it is pretty poor," Katz said. "Obviously, it is predisposed to this green dogma."



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