Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The next move of the Alinsky left

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The war between the left and right has been ratcheted up this past weekend. Although a philosophical war of words, to the committed Alinsky left it is nonetheless a deadly serious war.

The progressive movement has long been known for its intolerance of opposing philosophies and its propensity for violence to attain its goals. As Noel Sheppard notes, at the 2008 Republican Convention leftist demonstrators hospitalized conventioneers with bricks thrown through bus windows and sandbags dropped from overpasses onto passing cars. The progressive media looked the other way.

Following the passage of ObamaCare, much media frenzy has surrounded incidents where a coffin was put on congressman Carnahan's front lawn (didn't happen) and a brick was thrown through congresswoman Slaughter's Niagara Falls office window. Of course, the last time someone smashed Democratic Party office windows, a Democrat was found responsible.

Remember, to those on the Alinsky left, this is a war. And as Saul Alinsky wrote,

"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...."


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