Tuesday, March 23, 2010

America’s Day of Wreckoning — the Socialist Putsch Comes to Washington

The peaceful, patriotic millions who marched over the course of the year were virtually ignored by the media and certainly ignored by the President. Big media only deemed fit to cover the people’s revolution long enough to libel them and smear them with vulgarities (“tea baggers“). This campaign of destruction culminated Saturday in the specious charge that a protester shouted “ni**er” at the Congressional Black Caucus.

The only problem with all this was that the charges were false. Video evidence proved that no one shouted “ni**er” or “faggot.” Is it a coincidence that after a year of millions marching against this ugly leftist power grab, that on the day before the vote both racist and homophobic slurs were allegedly hurled?

The daily drumbeat of lies and smear is so relentless that it has lost its sting. It’s like water off a duck’s back. But for the first time, America is getting a taste of it. Ordinary Americans are being smeared and slandered. And the silver lining here is that the American people will never trust the Democrats or big media again...



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