Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Resurgent Federalism?

Subject: txt 2010 gdd vals - lbrty bbro sclm -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of likely voters say states should have the right to opt out of federal government programs they don’t agree with. Just 25% disagree, while another 15% are not sure...

Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters also think states should have the right to opt out of federally mandated programs if the federal government doesn’t help pay for them. Seventeen percent (17%) say states should not have the right to opt out of federally mandated programs.

Voters strongly believe that a state should have the right to avoid federal programs it doesn't like, but they draw the line at states seceding from the union.

David Freddoso asks, "Is the Tenth Amendment becoming sexy again?"

[We can hope.]


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