Friday, February 12, 2010

Newsweek: TEA Party Convention Full of 9/11 Truthers

Subject: txt 2010 msm bdd -
Syndicated columnist Jonathan Kay wrote an exclusive piece for about the TEA party convention in Nashville - not to report on the speeches or the goals of the movement, but to smear attendants as kooky, paranoid fringers who believe 9/11 truther theories.

Conveneniently, Kay just happens to have a book scheduled for release next year that chronicles the spread of trutherism in America. How fortunate he found so many believers.

Kay began his piece with the all-too-cute headline "Black Helicopters Over Nashville." It was just the beginning of an endless rant about unhinged conservatives, culminating in an explicit effort to place trutherism at the TEA party convention: [snip]

In fact, Kay didn't manage to pinpoint a single speaker or prominent figure who arrived at the convention to promote trutherism. The entire crux of his case was anonymous attendees and a certain mood in the air that he was singlehandedly able to discern.

Perhaps Kay should have paid attention last summer when conservatives and independents, appalled by Glenn Beck's discovery that Van Jones was a truther, led the campaign to get him removed from Obama's cabinet. Or maybe when conservatives recoiled at Rosie O'Donnell's public promotion of truther theories. It is an indisputable fact that the conservative movement, by and large, rejects trutherism at every turn...


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