Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama increases federal funs to (teacher's) unions

Subject: txt edu crpt libs bdd =
Barack Obama will propose major increases in funding for education in his State of The union speech tonight. Who can be against spending money to improve the future of our kids and country?

In reality, this spending will flow into the pockets of one of the most important special interest groups in the nation: teachers and their unions. Teachers are often the "free" labor that fuels campaigns: teachers man the phones, hand out the pamphlets, knock on doors, invest funds in campaigns, and serve as the all important delegates at Democratic nominating conventions

One-tenth of all delegates to Democratic conventions are teachers' union members... [snip]

Teachers can often retire at a young age, with pensions artificially inflated by "spiking" their salaries upwards the last couple of years of their employment that are guaranteed by law. These golden pensions that have been bestowed on them by politicians have been time bombs that are beginning to explode and like a string of black cat firecrackers will continue to explode for years to come... [snip]

Time and again money has been shown to have very little if any correlation to educational achievement. Education spending per child in Washington, D.C, for just one example, are quite high and achievement is quite low. Of course, politicians could care less about such foreign concepts as return on investment. If they did, they would fund charter schools (that they have killed in Washington) and voucher programs.

The so-called stimulus bill already has funneled $100, billion, dollars into "education", supposedly meant to prevent layoffs (which it probably has - but how about teachers taking some pay cuts or trimming their pensions) and to 'spur' reform.

The best reform would be pay for performance, vouchers, and charter schools.

We have seen precious little of that so far and it would be a fair bet we will see little of that going forward - the Democrats know who they work for...



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