Tuesday, February 2, 2010

U.S. space surrender

Subject: txt grn hstry bdd othr libs -
More than a year into his administration, President Obama is finally on the verge of formally introducing his space policy. It's a lamentably short-sighted plan for a politician who does a lot of talking about the future.

History has shown manned space exploration to be an excellent investment. It's a commitment to science and innovation, areas where nations must excel to thrive in a global economy. It is a powerful symbol of international leadership.

It's no mistake that Russia and China remain committed to their programs.

Lawmakers would be smart to invest money in exploration recommended by the panel, so that America won't squander its proud and hard-earned legacy of leadership in space. Under the president's policy, the United States would surrender its leadership in manned space exploration without firing a rocket.


image toon - vals fnn bdd othr - Once upon a time re Moon landing

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