Monday, January 18, 2010

California: An Obituary

Subject: txt cali -
Only raw and unrestrained liberalism could have destroyed the world's 8th-largest economy. Boasting unparalleled assets in agriculture, high technology, entertainment, and tourism, and blessed with ample energy resources, deep-water ports and ideal weather, California has nonetheless managed to turn itself into a perfect dystopia.

Schwarzenegger, who recently graded Obama's performance as president with an A, somehow fails to understand that the federal government's brazen overreach doesn't address California's true malady: a self-inflicted, endless orgy of failed leftist policies and programs enacted under one-party legislative rule.

The litany of problems is well-known and oft-cited. We Californians are overtaxed, our state workers are too numerous and coddled, our businesses are overregulated, and our environmentalists are too radical and powerful. And the list goes on...

[CALIFORNIANS; good insight to the true state of our mismanaged state - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED > ]


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