Friday, January 8, 2010

'Nonsense, Ridiculous': MSNBC Blasts DeMint For Opposing TSA Unionization

[Meanwhile in our professional, watch-dog media...]

Imagine it being as hard to fire an incompetent airport screener as it is to fire an incompetent teacher.

Think that might have any implications for our safety and security? Evan Kohlmann apparently doesn't. In fact, the NBC terrorism consultant thinks opposition to unionizing the employees of the Transportation Safety Administration is "nonsense" and "ridiculous."

Kohlmann made his comments on MSNBC this afternoon in the course of condemning Sen. Jim DeMint for opposing TSA unionization. The Republican senator from South Carolina has put a hold on the nomination of Erroll Southers to head the TSA because of the nominee's apparent intent to unionize the TSA...

David Shuster teed up Kohlmann's tirade [the video bears watching to see just how contemptuous Kohlmann appeared] . . .


[all for the low low price of 8 BILLION dollars a year...]

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