Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Relabeling Americans

Subject: txt bdd vals - hstry othr -
No longer a numerical concept, the word "minority" has been redefined in this country. It is no longer an objective numerical measure, but an indicator of socioeconomic status. Countless U.S. government, business, union, and university programs are based on this redefinition.

Thus, the Japanese-American is not a "minority" because he belongs to an educationally and economically gifted ethnic group. Never mind that there are only about a million Japanese-Americans in the U.S. and that not all of them are well-educated or well-to-do. Neither are Jews in America a "minority." For they, too, belong to a group of educational and economic overachievers. Never mind that Jews comprise only about two percent of the population, and that not all of them are well-educated or well-to-do.

It is obvious that "diversity" and "minority" as currently labeled and applied are dangerous concepts. At the very least, they foster class warfare, balkanization, and resegregation. The time has come to drop the terms and call ourselves just Americans.

[First, control the language.]


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