Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And so it begins

Subject: txt hcare -
Those of us with even a shred of common sense saw the handwriting on the wall when the health care bill was being sold

Those of us with even a shred of common sense saw the handwriting on the wall when the health care bill was being sold and subsequently forced down our throats. We knew that most, if not all, of the promises being given to sell the legislation would be broken or were outright exaggerations of reality. While "I told you so" would be appropriate now, it just doesn't make me feel any better.

This document is an actual letter that was received by a good friend of mine just yesterday. Needless to say, this 60-year old didn't sleep much last night. Her policy with this insurance company dates back 12 years. Because of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed by this Congress, she will no longer have insurance effective December 15, 2010. Where does she go now, Mr. President? Her policy was affordable. Can you assure her that the next one will be?

Remember this? "If you like your insurance company, you can keep it." She liked her insurance and the policy provisions....and yet?

How about this one? "We're going to provide insurance for millions of Americans who are currently uninsured." How many millions of Americans will be joining the uninsured rolls after receiving a letter like this one in the coming years?

Paying close attention to paragraph one: "NHIC has determined that it will not be able to meet the requirements set forth by Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." (emphasis mine)

How many more insurance companies are going to have a similar finding?

My greatest fear is that this is just the beginning. We're witnessing the biggest lie of all:

"This legislation will not lead to national health care."



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