Wednesday, May 12, 2010

OIL - You Better Sit Down

The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that was a
revision to a report thathadn't been updated since 1995 on how much oil was in
this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and
extreme eastern Montana.

The 'update', ignored by the media, came in at 25 times the land based oil and gas reserves than were previously identified... [snip]

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe
Bay, and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign
oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion
barrels... [snip]

We have more oil inside our borders than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:

  • - 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
  • - 18-times as much oil as Iraq
  • - 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
  • - 22-times as much oil as Iran
  • - 500-times as much oil as Yemen

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in
this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION
barrels untapped. That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in
the world today, reports The Denver Post.


An idea that's picking up steam I think a generally good one: Off-shore drilling of natural gas only - not oil.

As infrequent as oil platform spills are the consequences are potentially dire because of their ability to spread. Natural gas doesn't present the same problem in that an equivalent 'leak' keeps rising to dissipate in the atmosphere.

However, this policy is only an option of we fully develop our on-shore oil reserves - which we've more than enough of, and have the huge benefit of being containable should accidents occur.

As always, this too is impermissible to the invoronmoralists and it will be up to product America, which relies on energy to thrive, to 'insist' or so-called representatives in DC represent us.


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