Friday, May 7, 2010

DISGRACE: Bay Area HS Students Banned From Wearing American Flag on Cinco De Mayo

Here is another example of po

... Daniel and his friends were sitting at a table during a free period the vice principal walked over and asked two of the boys to remove the American flag bandannas on their heads and the other three to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. The boys refused and were ultimately ordered off the school grounds.

While much of California (especially the Bay Area) think differently than the rest of the country, last time I checked, it was still one of the 50 states. And suggesting that Mexican-Americans, might be insulted by seeing an American flag is suggesting that they are somehow less American than the rest of us.

THAT suggestion is insulting and racist.

But the vice principal's actions were mimicked by the Mexican-American students [of course; adults set examples for children] in the School, many of whom said that they were offended that the five students would wear American colors on a Mexican holiday.

"I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day,"

Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. [within video of next post]

How far our country has deteriorated.

This politically correct nonsense has gone way too far. Whats next? Jews have to take of their Jewish Stars on Ash Wednesday? or Christians banned from wearing Crucifixes during Chanukah? Maybe schools will legislate that we're not to wear anything other than Italian flags on Columbus day or Green on St. Patrick's day.

This is The United States of America, we need to teach [perhaps at school?] our children to be proud of their country, no matter the ethnicity. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Mexican-American wearing Mexican flags on Cinco de Mayo or any other day to show pride in their heritage. But at the same time there should never be anything wrong with Americans showing pride in their country.



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