Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why can't we find a Climategate summary like this in US Media

Subject: txt grn msm -
Spiegel Online has an exhaustive, 8-page review of events and discoveries since the Climategate emails were revealed. It shows a climate science community in near chaos and dispirited over the fact that so much data was fabricated or deliberately ignored.

[snip > Spiegel Online ]

This is a big departure for German media who have been one of the strongest advocates over the years for action by governments to head off climate change. The idea that a leading publication would devote so much space to explaining why Climategate is so important is a good sign that skepticism is making some headway - at least overseas.

Meanwhile, mainstream media and general audience science publications in the US continue to treat climategate as a blip on the radar, not worth covering...


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