Subject: txt msm tea -
Nothing says "media bias" like coffee in the morning. If anyone ever wanted to see an example of the bias of the Old Media no better example can be found than the different ways that it has treated the tea party movement and the coffee party astroturf effort. The tea party movement was initially ignored, then it was ridiculed, then it was attacked as dangerous, but no where in the Old Media was it treated as a valid, powerful political movement despite the literally millions of Americans that have attended them.
Here are just a tiny number of examples of the Old Media still attacking the tea partiers since 2009: [READ MORE for linkages]
- New York Times Paul Krugman: Tea parties are fake astroturf
- Time Magazine’s Joe Klein: Tea partiers are racists
- New York Times: Tom Freidman says tea partiers are setting up an assassination atmosphere [much worse than making a movie about the assignation of a sitting president {Bush}]
- MSNBC: tea partiers are offensive
- Newsweek: Tea parties are loud, mad, and dangerous
- The AP: Tea Party filled with extremists
- Columbus Dispatch: Tea party is extreme right-wing
Since its debut a few months ago, this coffee party business has been treated quite well. Here are just a few of the laudatory stories on the coffee party effort:
- NBC: Virginia coffee party outlines goals
- Houston Chronicle: Coffee party making politics civil
- St. Louis Area: Coffee party big success in Belleville (7 participants showed)
- CBS: Is coffee party the next big thing?
- New York Times: Coffee party wonderful civic participation
- U.S. News: Coffee party kinder and gentler
- CNN: giving astroturfer room to say Why I started the coffee party
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