Thursday, March 11, 2010

They Call It 'Trade'

Subject: txt trade crpt - -
Commerce: For an administration that touts "export-led growth," it's a bad sign to see huge markets in Europe and Brazil pulling up the drawbridges over the one-sided U.S. policy.

"Trade" means imports, too. Brazil announced Tuesday that it would slap $830 million in tariffs on 102 U.S. products, ranging from cars to potatoes to medical gear. The deal was based on a 2005 World Trade Organization ruling against U.S. cotton subsidies. The U.S. had five years to get rid of them.

Fact is, open markets mean buying and selling — exports and imports alike. Far from being a curse, as special interests like Big Labor claim, imports help the economy by reducing raw material costs for U.S. manufacturers so they can hire more, cut costs and raise consumer purchasing power.

It's ridiculous to expect other nations to open their markets if the U.S. keeps finding creative new ways to shut its own. It takes two to trade, and the Obama administration must learn this or forget about its export-led strategy for growth...

[Again and again, the welfare of our country suborned to the selfish agendas of organized labor.]



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