Friday, March 19, 2010

POLL: 50% Less Likely To Vote For Congress Member Who Supports Health Care Plan

Subject: txt 1st hcare 2010 -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken Wednesday night finds that 34% are more likely to vote for their Congress member’s reelection if he or she supports the president’s health care plan. Eight percent (8%) say the health care vote will have no impact on how they vote this November, and another seven percent (7%) are not sure.

But perhaps more significantly, 51% of voters not affiliated with either major party are less likely to support someone who votes for the legislation. Just 32% of unaffiliateds are more likely to vote for someone who supports the bill.

Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters now think it would be better for the country if most incumbents in Congress were defeated this November. Just 27% of voters say their representative in Congress is the best possible person for the job.

[So why would the Democrats do it anyway?

Again: this IS the holy grail of progressivism: socialized health 'care' -- once in place it's only a matter of time before government can control virtually everything by tying it to your 'benefits' {example: how will a majority of the populace ever support any future tax cut when they're told, has they routinely are in Canada, that the first thing cut will be health care benefits???]


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