Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Methane Madness

Subject: txt grn -
For decades now, alarmists have claimed that CO2 emissions are warming the earth past the "tipping point" and that only extreme reductions in the use of fossil fuels can avert catastrophe. Yet the earth today is less warm than it was in the middle ages, a period in which it cannot be claimed that human activity was contributing to global warming.

Global temperatures in 2010 are colder than they were in 2000, despite a tripling in the annual growth rate of CO2 emissions in the last decade largely attributable to the mushrooming economies of developing nations such as China and India.

Alarmists have been predicting catastrophe for over thirty years, yet the earth continues in natural cycles of warming and cooling, just as it has for eons...

[I.e., having failed to convince the public that the weak greenhouse gas of CO2 is dooming the planet, they're switching gears to methane - using the same caliber of science as they did previously to 'prove' alarm is justified...

There's too much money on the line to simply admit defeat and quit.]

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