Monday, March 15, 2010

CBS News Gets Coffee Party Fever: It's a Lot Like TEA Parties

Subject: txt 2010 msm bias libs -
On Friday,'s blog ran a gushing article that amounted to free advertising for the left's new fabrication of a burgeoning 'coffee party'. Aside from the friendly tone and complete lack of criticism, the most astounding part was when it claimed that many issues discussed at a Coffee Party could just as well have come from a TEA party...

Condon's article began with the oh-so-innocent headline "Is The "Coffee Party" The Next Big Thing?" The opening paragraph ran like something right from a brochure: [snip]

It's easy to be the next big thing when the media give you all the publicity you need, such as instantly 'featured' in the New York Times, CNN's Political Ticker, the Washington Post, and many local papers like the Seattle Times - all conveniently skipping the part it's the creation of Washington activists and has no grass-roots component... [snip]

In contrast, this is how the Political Hotsheet covered last year's April 15 protest [after months of ignoring the phenomenon altogether]... [snip]

Let's read that whopper from above, one more time:

"The issues likely to come up at Saturday's meetings could very well arise at a Tea Party meeting."

Except for the flaming liberal agendas, embracing of big government, Democrat campaign workers, Plouffe-style astroturfing, calls for regulation, and Facebook notes that "vent" about TEA parties... they're practically the same.

Thanks for the hard-hitting expose, CBS.



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