Monday, February 1, 2010

New U.S. air strategy in Afghanistan: First, do no harm

Subject: txt gwot -

Along the main road to the base just outside Jalalabad, the unit was flagged down by a man who said that a policeman had found a roadside bomb up ahead in a busy area of shops, where it should have been difficult to hide an explosive without others knowing.

As Lt. Col. Simmons interviewed the local police chief about how a bomb could have been buried just outside his station, Brooks determined that an F-15 was flying 15 miles to the north. He jumped out of the truck and began trying to find a target.

As he listened to the police chief's answers, which were growing increasingly evasive, Brooks became antsy. Taliban fighters might be nearby, and the unit was now stopped. He asked the F-15 to drop flares. Ten minutes later it did, sending the villagers running out of fear they were about to be struck.

That was a success, Brooks said. The troops were safer. Still, he sighed.

Under the new tactical directive, Brooks would have to explain why he used flares...

"All I can think about is the paperwork," he said. "It will take hours for 15 minutes of air power."

[War? Try suicide - murder when you consider it's not ourselves but our brave young folks in uniform who pay for this insanity.

Unbelievable but reality > you need know > ]


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