Monday, February 8, 2010

[PAGE ONE of the usual bazillion pages returned on Google in response to "tea party logos" - ALL examples of independent, grass roots organizations from literally all over the country ... Page ONE of a gazillion - you do the math.]

THE POINT: contrary to what the MSM would have you believe {and are actively promoting by not conveying the depth and breath of this movement}, Tea Party supporters aren't a right-wing minority but precisely the opposite: probably the single most diverse political association in the nation, varied and flexible in all things except one...

That it is the Constitution and our strict adherence to its intent when written {including subsequent and future amendments} that is responsible for our past success and best guarantor of same for our children -- it is our rule book which can be changed but not ignored.

Yes there's a smaller-government/less taxes component, as well as other 'issues' statistically likely to right-leaning given that America is a center-right nation. But the critical part of all this isn't what policies result from our messy democracy but that we stay true to how We the People we make those decisions now and in the future and not have them made for us by government.

Power is a net-sum game: every ounce ceded to or taken by the government comes from and is lost by the people - and history teaches us again and again that there is a line crossed after which the people lose the ability to undo what has been done.

The Tea Parties are overwhelmingly comprised of regular working folk who recognize all the above and are intent on stemming our slide away from this nation's founding principles in which they believe, and as such are acting in the grandest tradition of American Patriotism.]


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