Friday, January 22, 2010

Why English Is Not the "Official Language" of the United States

And why it should be

Nearly all leaders of foreign nations now speak English in order to communicate with the rest of the world, as do bond traders, tech geeks, scholars, diplomats, businesspeople -- just about every player in the world economy. Air traffic controllers exemplify this global usage of English. Ever wonder how an Air China pilot communicates to the tower while landing in Moscow? In English, proving it to be truly the first and foremost international lingua franca.

[And growing...]

Then why is it that English has been under attack by radicals of the Left since the 1960s? Why aren't we smiling broadly that our language is the dominant lingua franca, and likely to remain so well into the unknown future? It goes back to the Marxist-inspired campus activists of 35 years ago who signed on to the doctrine that America was a corrupt, racist, chauvinistic, and imperialistic evil power that needed to be brought down.

So English, while embraced worldwide as the modern lingua franca, is not our official language.

And Hayakawa knew why: anti-American activists see English as the language of oppression, not democracy and freedom, and they have maintained an undercurrent of opposition to it even in the wake of the American victory in the Cold War.

This explains why anti-American activists lobbied for federal monies to support English as a second language in our school systems -- not the first language for Spanish-speaking immigrants -- working behind the scenes in the labyrinth of the federal bureaucracy to alter the curriculum to their whim... [snip]

Early new Americans learned English out of pride for their new country -- and out of necessity to engage in the capitalistic system. It made sense then and it makes sense now, yet the movement to prevent the recent wave of immigrants, mostly from Latin America, from becoming integrated and successful citizens by not teaching them English as the foundation for their success is alive and well-funded [with your money...]

Imagine moving to a foreign country and discovering that the government allows you to enforce the use of your native tongue by law. It's ridiculous, yet it's happening in America today... [snip]

The US needs to adopt English as our official language before we lose our national identity, our cultural heritage, and our system of government. And it is far past time to investigate what is happening on our college campuses, where post-modern doctrine, radical deconstruction theory, multiculturalism, and the "politically correct" movement...and the thought police that go with it. The academy should be called on the carpet to explain why they are taking public money and private tuition to undermine and destroy our heritage.

Let's tell them in plain English that we want our language back.

[Historical specifics - Recommended > ]


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