Thursday, January 14, 2010

God to Palin: ‘You Go, Girl’

Over the weekend, former John McCain campaign strategist Steve Schmidt told “60 Minutes” something shocking about McCain’s former running mate, Sarah Palin. It seems that when Schmidt met Palin after McCain selected her, he was surprised that she was so calm. Schmidt apparently asked her how she could remain so tranquil in the face of such a monumental life change. She responded, “It’s God’s plan.”

Naturally, the media went bonkers over this revelation, primarily because she was serious... [snip]

There’s a reason the media elites allow liberals to get away with God-talk. It’s because the media elites know that liberals aren’t really serious about their God-talk. Everyone could see Bill Clinton crossing his fingers behind his back when talking about God, just as everyone can see President Obama laughing behind his hand when he mentions religion... [snip]

Here’s a newsflash for liberals: Incredible as it may seem, Palin’s view represents that of the vast majority of mankind. People across the globe agree with Palin that their lives fit into God’s grand scheme. When liberals laugh at Palin on this score, they risk laughing at billions.

And even liberals should understand that billions can impact the flow of history...

[Again, don't benefit from faith myself. But it's as a comparatively impartial 3rd party, I tell you: there's a concerted effort to banish any and all religion from our society by the elitist left (which is to say academia and media). As said-3rd party, I've come to believe that good religions are good for societies in general, and an honest reading of history proves its been a boon to the formation of the American society specifically.

So let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, shall we? {and that setting aside today's aspect of Islam and what Christianity could do to mitigate its overwhelming destructive nature, despite its being deemed the larger enemy by the aforementioned {self-ascribed} 'elites')}]


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