Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Best of 2010: Media Scolded Americans as Anti-Islamic, Anti-Immigrant Bigots
Condemning everyday Americans as racist, anti-immigrant Islamophobes was a favorite media theme in 2010...
Polls showed most Americans supported Arizona's effort to curb illegal immigration and opposed building an Islamic center near the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers — but on both scores the media elite stacked their coverage against the public...
NYT Paints Fairy Tale Caricature of Obama
How on earth do you not challenge a statement like this?
“He doesn’t crave the spotlight the way some of these other presidents have. They needed to be constantly in the eye of the public; it propelled them into politics in the first place. Obama is less that way; he is more of a self-contained person, someone who can genuinely spend time by himself with his family.”READ MORE
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S.
The federal government has accumulated more new debt--$3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29)—during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury.
The total national debt of $13,858,529,371,601.09 (or $13.859 trillion), as recorded by the U.S. Treasury at the close of business on Dec. 22, now equals $44,886.57 for every man, woman and child in the United States...
Ryan Debt Plan is Better Choice
“As early as 2025, federal revenue will barely be enough to pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and interest on our national debt,” ...
“With spending structurally outpacing revenue, something clearly needs to be done to avert national bankruptcy.”
Re-evaluating Free Trade With China
Although China is called a major trading partner, it treats U.S. companies like suckers, cheating them coming and going. China even intimidates U.S. businessmen so they don't dare to criticize China's unfair trade tactics. ...
Rwanda's Economic Miracle
It must puzzle Rwandans to watch the loud squabbling between and within America’s political parties over keeping old tax cuts for just two more years. (Snip) During a four-day visit here, I found that the enthusiastic consensus for pursuing the free-market path out of poverty resembled an Amish barn-raising. Rather than practicing the class warfare that cripples America, Rwandans are pulling together to become prosperous.
“What Rwanda has to offer is really a vision for the private sector,”[A vision the US evidently need now import.]
Euro-Freedom Watch
.With little fanfare, the EU adopted new legislation this week that makes “certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia” criminal offenses -- and allows individual EU nations to prosecute the citizens of other nations for those offenses.
And no, it’s not European anti-Americanism that’s being targeted by the xenophobia provisions. Advocates of free speech in Europe are quite clear that what the new law will criminalize is analytical, factual, or hortatory discussion of Islam or Sharia...
War in Afghanistan: A 'breeze of change' blows in Helmand
This is the 10th Christmas that UK forces have spent looking out on to Afghanistan's seemingly untamed landscape. But while no one is clamouring to say it--there have been too many false dawns--there is a feeling in the air that, as yet another year of the campaign comes to a close, a corner has been turned...
West Bank Shows There Is a Military Solution to Terror
The “expert” report Max cited yesterday, which declared Afghanistan unwinnable even while acknowledging progress in the war, reflects a broader problem: the claim that “there is no military solution to terror” has become virtually unchallenged dogma among Western intelligentsia.
Yet Israel’s experience in the West Bank shows terrorist organizations can be defeated -- if their opponents are willing to invest the requisite time and resources...
Give Petraeus a Chance
Afghanistan isn’t Iraq, but the debate over the former sure sounds a lot like the debate over the latter. Once again, David Petraeus is overseeing a surge to rescue a failing war effort, and once again a legion of critics isn't waiting to see if he will succeed. ..
9-11 Ring A Bell? Donny Doesn't Remember Why We Went Into Afghanistan
How clueless can a guy who lives in Manhattan possibly be?
Discussing the Afghanistan war on Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch claimed "people weren't clear why we were there in the first place."
Uh, Donny . . .
The end of middle America? Working class white families are unraveling before our eyes
Foreclosures, plant closings, offshored jobs, underwater mortgages, miserable rates of unemployment, stagnating incomes: Is there any end to the woes of the struggling American middle? Apparently not, because now comes news of a trend guaranteeing trouble ahead for the more than half of the nation that make up the moderately educated and moderately earning middle — even if the economy improves.
That seismic shift, outlined in a new report from the National Marriage Project and the Institute for American Values, is towards more divorce, more out of wedlock births and, ipso facto, fewer kids with a hopeful future...
Only NBC Notes Unveiling of New Reagan Postage Stamp
Nancy Reagan on hand today at the unveiling of the stamp that will mark the centennial anniversary of her husband's birth. The Ronald Reagan stamp goes on sale February 10th, just days after what would have been the former President's 100th birthday.
Of the broadcast network evening newscasts, only NBC, which has a deal to host a Republican presidential debate through MSNBC at the library, made note of the occasion.
Obama's regulators kowtow to Big Green, imperil economy
Who's doing the most to hobble the productive power of the U.S. economy, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson or Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar?
President Obama's top two Cabinet appointees on environmental issues are running neck and neck in their race to see who can issue the most job-killing, growth-suffocating bureaucratic edicts.
Regardless of who "wins" their contest, of course, the losers will be the rest of us. We will have to endure long-term double-digit unemployment, skyrocketing energy and utility costs, and the loss of individual freedom that inevitably accompanies the growth of government regulation...
What the Election Means
Under President Obama, federal spending has increased 25 percent, the national debt has swelled to almost $15 trillion and Obamacare will control 17 percent of the U.S. economy...
Brown to eliminate state Office of Inspector General
"After announcing that Brown was closing her doors, Chick said the Capitol needs more oversight, not less. She complained that her efforts to shine a light on wasteful spending in Sacramento have been stymied by entrenched bureaucrats more interested in preserving their power than in ensuring public accountability. 'The state is not run by elected officials; it's run by very powerful, very knowledgeable civil servants,' Chick said, adding: 'Things don't change unless they want them to.'"
[The left's definition of transparency - wherever did they get the misguided notion?]
Mythbusting the 'rich don't pay enough taxes' lie
Taxing the rich at a high rate doesn't increase government revenue...
Taxes trigger a Texodus in New York
The Lone Star State is scooping up more than just our congressional seats -- some $846 million in personal income shifted from New York to Texas in an eight-year period during the last decade, according to an analysis of IRS tax returns.Texas, which has no state or local income taxes and an enviably low cost of living, has been steadily poaching New Yorkers since the '90s...
Britain's Left Are Panicking
London's descent into anarchy over a rise in university tuition fees shows just how deeply the entire leftist enterprise relies on its takeover of the university system...
Feds Should Flunk Out of Education
There's been essentially no change in high school math achievement for nearly the last four decades...
Book Review: Dupes Reveals Communist Influence on Hollywood
Communism is responsible for more deaths in the 20th Century than both world wars, yet liberals have defended it for decades. A new book by Grove City College professor Paul Kengor – Dupes – documents this, showing how Communists used liberals to further their efforts in the U.S. This book masterfully documents dupes in the U.S. from the Hill to Hollywood...
Despite 'Erin Brockovich' Bluster, Calif. Town Shows Below-average Cancer Rates
Julia Roberts may have been crowned best actress in 2000 for her performance in (and as) "Erin Brockovich", but the film did what politically-loaded Hollywood products often do: it distorted the facts, and may have done more harm than good to the town of Hinkley, CA.
The film followed Brockovich as she led a class-action suit against Pacific Gas & Electric for releasing hexavalent chromium, or chromium 6, a cancer-causing toxin, into the water supply in Hinkley. PG&E eventually went to arbitration, and awarded a record-$333 million in damages to residents of the town.
But now, 10 years after Roberts's award-winning performance, and 17 years after the actual suit, cancer rates in Hinkley are unremarkable. In fact, they are lower than would normally be expected...
Loser Pays, Everyone Wins
Texas Governor Rick Perry is proposing a British-style "loser pays" rule, which would require plaintiffs to pick up the legal costs of their targets if they lose their suits...
[Common sense.]
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
TSA Silences Pilot For Telling The Truth
Terrorism: A 50 year old pilot who posted a YouTube video documenting flaws in TSA's airport security had his home raided and federally issued firearm confiscated. Body scanners and junk-touching are just the beginning. Ever watchful all 364 days of the year, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has discovered a new security threat — pilots who fly our planes and have questions about the TSA's security practices and policies...
Terrorizing Our Own
Airline travelers flying the unfriendly skies are presented with two options, that are actually only a single option, to have themselves and their children degraded in public in order to spare Muslim feelings. That we have a ban on profiling travelers, but no ban on molesting or humiliating them, tells us everything we need to know about why we have the current system that we do...
NY Russian Immigrants Flock to GOP, Say Today‘s Democratic Party Too ’Socialistic’
America's Political Class: In Business for Themselves
We have a political class populated by those whose livelihoods depend on maintenance of a system they have made incoherent and unsustainable
Why Constitutional Conservatism Is Ascending
If 2009 was the year of birth of the Tea Party movement, 2010 was the year of ascendancy of constitutional conservatism. In many ways, the movements are the same -- except, perhaps, that the Tea Party is a movement of political activism by people who weren't traditionally activists, and constitutional conservatism represents an awakening about the way back to American exceptionalism...
Media Parrot Obama's Claim of 'Most Productive' Congress in Generations
Not caring what "productive" means, media across the country dutifully parroted the President as the following video created by the folks at Breitbart TV marvelously demonstrates...
Census: Fast Growth in States With No Income Tax
Texas' diversified economy, business-friendly regulations and low taxes have attracted not only immigrants but substantial inflow from the other 49 states. As a result, the 2010 reapportionment gives Texas four additional House seats. In contrast, California gets no new House seats, for the first time since it was admitted to the Union in 1850...
California to spend another $1.2 billion to extend first leg of high-speed rail
."After coming under attack for approving a multibillion-dollar 'train to nowhere,' California will spend an additional $1.2 billion to bring the line closer to 'somewhere' -- that is, from the outskirts of Fresno to an area near Bakersfield."READ MORE
WikiLeaks: Secret Cables Show Growing U.S. Concern Over China
While we publicly continue to insist that we don't see China as a potential enemy, the secret cables reveal a different story; concern over China's growing confidence to assert its power in Africa while readying itself to compete commercially and militarily with the US...
Can Communist China Be America's Partner?
China's policies over the last decade have been vehemently anti-American -- according to Chinese policymakers, whatever is bad for the U.S. is good for the PRC. China has brought down an unarmed American plane in neutral airspace; laser-blinded an American satellite; stalked an American carrier; and embarked on a huge, opaque military buildup against the U.S. (what does China need carrier-killing warships and missiles and satellite-killing ballistic missiles for?).
China's hackers attack American cyber networks daily, while its media, led by the Global Times, continually vilify the U.S., and its customs services block American products from the Chinese market.
China has protected the odious NPT-violating regimes in North Korea and Iran, as well as the Burmese junta, from any serious sanctions.
China's military is planning and preparing for war with the U.S., and its generals have repeatedly threatened America. This February, Colonel Meng Xiangingpromised a "hand-to-hand fight with the U.S." MGEN Yang Yi said to his colleagues of the U.S., "We must make them hurt." RADM Guan Youfei toldAmerican officials this May that everything that's wrong about Sino-American relations is America's fault. Under Hu Jintao, the opinions of hawkish PLA generals have become official Chinese policy, and virulently anti-American generals have been appointed to key posts. Two generals (Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou) are members of the CPC's politburo, although neither is a member of its Standing Committee.
A 'partner' would hardly behave like this...
[Yet we're reducing our defense budget as if it's of equal value to our ever-growing social programs.]
China deploying carrier-sinking missile
China's military is deploying a new anti-ship ballistic missile that can sink U.S. aircraft carriers, a weapon that specialists say gives Beijing new power-projection capabilities that will affect U.S. support for Pacific allies. Adm. Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, disclosed to a Japanese newspaper on Sunday that the new anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) is now in the early stages of deployment after having undergone extensive testing...
Wind at their backs: Powerful Democrats help Chinese energy firm chase stimulus money
Washington - Top Democratic fundraisers and lobbyists with links to the White House are behind a proposed wind farm in Texas that stands to get $450 million in stimulus money, even though a Chinese company would operate the farm and its turbines would be built in China...
Multiculturalism Hits The Wall
Multiculturalism is the most recent, and perhaps final, expression of the late 20th-century left-wing ascendancy...
If there were a category higher than Must-Read, this would go there.READ MORE
"The battle against terror is a race between rationality and luck" and our luck will run out."
Obama's Authoritarian Multiculturalism
Authoritarian multiculturalism today possesses an advantage it never had before: one of its most enthusiastic adherents currently occupies the White House...
Obama Sends ‘Warmest Thoughts’ for Kwanzaa
Maulana Karenga of the US Organization created Kwanzaa in 1966 as the first specifically African American holiday.[2] Karenga said his goal was to "give Blacks an alternative to the existing Christmas holiday...
State Department: 'We Actually Expected' Released Gitmo Detainees to Return to Terror
On the recently announced soaring recidivism rate for Gitmo detainees returning to terror, State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley said on Fox News that "we actually expected this to happen."
[yet they do it anyway]
Internal emails obtained by Judicial Watch suggest a number of top deputies in Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office “went to great lengths” to help the developers of the proposed Ground Zero mosque, including drafting a letter addressed to the community board on their behalf...
S.F. bookshop owner to close over ADA lawsuit
In the latest chapter of a struggle between San Francisco merchants and disabled people suing them for better access, several Richmond District business owners have decided to close or move in the face of lawsuits demanding alterations and monetary damages...
Lea Dimond, who has owned Thidwick Books in the building since 1999, plans to shut down her store today and try to find a new place rather than fight Yates or significantly alter the configuration of her 865-square-foot shop. She believes she would lose too much inventory to be financially viable if she made the changes necessary to create room for a wheelchair to maneuver...
[Now we've tyrannies of minorities - empowered by over regulation.]
Do Americans Still Believe Freedom Leads to Prosperity?
America; still land of the free?
The Wall Street Journal's Index of Economic Freedom shows the United States has fallen from the top-tier in 1999 to being moderately competitive in 2010...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ObamaCare mandate and SCOTUS
Nearly everyone agrees that Judge Hudson's finding that the ObamaCare health insurance mandate is unconstitutional will be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Here's the kicker;
Justice Elena Kagan, having served in the Obama Justice Department, is surely to recuse herself. With the "liberals" one judge down, even a Kennedy vote to uphold the individual mandate would presumably result in a 4-4 tie. And guess what? If there is a tie, the lower ruling stands...
53% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law
.Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed national health care law. The latest weekly Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey on the subject finds that only 42% oppose repeal...
ABC Poll Finds Health Care Law Is Massively Unpopular, Network Offers Scant Coverage


Concern Over Stimulus II Grows
As recognition grows that the so-called tax bill has become Stimulus II, some of the bill's supporters are rethinking their earlier positions. Bill Clinton's usurping of the baffled Obama's role on point for the deal may have helped clarify the situation for many as 42 bluntly noted that Democrats have to support the Christmas Tree deal because they cannot possibly do as well in January...
‘All Hell is Breaking Loose’: $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill Nears 2,000 Pages
$575.13 million per page...
[No one learned anything from November, business as usual. Washington won't change until we change everyone we send there.]
ABC Misleads on Estate Tax Being 'Slashed'; It Will Actually Increase 35 Percent
.Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Thursday offered misleading, sloppy reporting on a congressional tax deal, bizarrely suggesting that the proposal "slashes" the estate tax. In a follow-up piece, news anchor Juju Chang asserted that many Democrats "are still opposed, especially to the estate tax cut."
In reality, the so-called death tax is currently at zero. Under the deal, it will increase to 35 percent. Karl mangled, "Even Democratic leaders are fuming, especially unhappy with the provision that slashes the tax on inheritances."
Great news: Chavez got 1,800 ant-aircraft missiles from Russia last year
Thanks, Vlad. Your gift will probably end up in the hands of Mexican drug gangs.,,
Deputy FM: Iran-Venezuela ties threaten U.S., entire world
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned Monday that
"Venezuela is Iran’s advance outpost on the Latin American continent. The two countries have joined together to create an axis of conventional and nuclear terror [that threatens] not only the Middle East, but also the continent of America, and the United States in particular,"Ayalon told a group of some two dozen journalists from Latin American countries...
Obama Ignores Missile Crisis
Going almost totally unnoticed by he MSM is the news that Iran intends to place "medium-range" missiles (read: they can reach the US) in Venezuela. You know, for an Iranian military base manned by Iranian soldiers, see?
It can't be a "missile crisis" if Obama and the 'press' couldn't care less, right?
Venezuela Has Acquired 1,800 Russian Missiles; AP, NYT Snooze
A useful guideline in evaluating the significance of a national security-related news story first revealed by someone in the establishment press is whether other media outlets pick it up. If they don't, it's probably significant.
Such is the case with the Washington Post's Saturday story about Venezuela acquiring 1,800 Russian antiaircraft missiles. That appears to be 1,700 more than originally thought.
The story has gone through two additional overnight news cycles. Yet it appears from relevant site searches that both the Associated Press (searches on Venezuela, Venezuela missiles [not in quotes], and missiles) and the New York Times (Venezuela, "Venezuela missiles," and missiles) have chosen to ignore the story...
Incoming Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wants to Isolate Enemies, Make U.N. Accountable
The incoming Republican chairwoman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday identified U.S. funding of the United Nations as a target. The comments are likely to send a chill through supporters of the Obama administration’s policy of deeper engagement with the U.N.
“I plan on using U.S. contributions to international organizations as leverage to press for real reform of those organizations, such as the United Nations,”Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said after GOP lawmakers confirmed she will chair the committee in the next Congress...
[What kind of radicalextrememenazism thinking is this?!?]
Flash Attack
[And in America...]
At noon on October 30, 2010, a devastating device ripped through a crowded Philadelphia department store. Hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers were suddenly exposed to an infectious agent delivered with explosive power. Those exposed are still dealing with the immediate effects. They could be faced with ongoing effects for the rest of their lives.
Similar attacks at malls and food courts have been reported and posted on YouTube.
Not surprisingly, the media have been silent...
The barbarians we need to fear aren't just bearded monsters from the Middle East. The biggest threat to our civilization comes from our own elite universities that once preserved and extended it. The insane siege engine they've built is a rickety contraption of lies, distortions, and manipulations that tirelessly assaults our foundations with myths and superstitions...
Islamophobia-obsessed Media Silent on Anti-Semitic 'Hate Crimes' at Indiana U
Most Americans are probably unaware that Jews were the victims of more than eight times as many anti-religion hate crimes last year as were Muslims. And the reason is simple: anti-Muslim crimes receive far more media attention.
Case in point: the media has been all but silent on a slew of anti-Semitic acts of vandalism at Indiana University, coinciding with the beginning of the celebration of Hanukkah...
For nearly 15 years, the Pulliam Hall clock tower on the campus of Southern Illinois University has played Christmas carols. But this year, after a few complaints, the bells have been silenced while the school tries to expand its melodic tradition to include a more 'diverse' selection of music.
“We took the music off the clock tower as a result of some complaints we received that religious music was offensive to non-Christians,” SIU Chancellor Rita Cheng told KFVS...
[Note how our otherwise activist academics never consider for a moment defending long established practices as being American societal traditions - those have no intrinsic value, you understand...]
The Assault on Christmas and Other American Norms
Over the last several decades, government's sanctioning of secular fundamentalism has emboldened its proponents, aiding a slow but sure erosion of our societal norms...
[And as our Founding Fathers explicitly warned us, a country without shared values cannot stand.]
Power Corrupts
The Obama administration's actions and policies epitomize the veracity of Lord Acton's famous proposition that "[p]ower tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
From the passage of ObamaCare to the offensive TSA screenings, this country's citizens have seen the Constitution trampled upon with little to no acknowledgment that such actions would have caused our forefathers to board a ship to a far-off land in search of liberty and freedom...
Silencing voices of Internet dissent
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) apparently is headed for a 3-2 party-line vote to regulate the Internet on Dec. 21, which Commissioner Robert M. McDowell (a stalwart free-market champion who opposes the regulations) points out is the darkest day of the year.
Regulating the Internet under the banner of so-called network neutrality has been a far-left cause celebre ever since it became clear that unregulated media gravitates toward the conservative majority of the nation...
Monday, December 6, 2010
'Pelosi-nomics' requires willing suspension of reason
It's difficult to conceive of a liberal myth more out of touch with economic reality than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's oft-repeated claim that tax cuts must be "paid for." Over and over this week, Pelosi has insisted that any extension of the Bush 2001 and 2003 tax cuts should be restricted to the "middle class." If the cuts are extended to couples making more than $250,000 -- the rich, in Pelosi's view -- then, she claims, Republicans are saying "we should not pay for it, we should add that $700 billion to the deficit"
Friday, December 3, 2010
A Lame-Duck Congress Stuck on Stupid
The Democratic Congress is now embarked on a lame-duck session that ought to be history's last.
Russian Democracy Has Disappeared
"Russian democracy has disappeared and the government was an oligarchy run by the security services,"
Putin: Nuclear Response to Missile Defense Plans
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told CNN television that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons and "strike forces" if it were shut out of a Western missile shield, adding punch to a warning from President Dmitry Medvedev...
Turns Out Russia Is Still Russia
“The Kremlin displays scant ability or inclination to reform what one cable characterized as a ‘modern brand of authoritarianism’ accepted with resignation by the ruled,”
New START, Old Stratagem
Here we go again. President Obama is trying once again to ram a legislative initiative through Congress knowing full well that, by so doing, he is maximizing the chances that his project's defects will not become widely understood until it is too late to do much about them. Call it the pig-in-a-poke stratagem.
This time around, however, Mr. Obama is not simply trying to socialize the economy, destroy the world's finest health care system or assault the Constitution. No, at the moment he has the national security in his crosshairs - and the negative implications could make those associated with his other, domestic policy campaigns pale by comparison...
Romney Had It Right At The START
.Mitt Romney caused a furor when he wrote a Washington Post op-ed opposing the New START treaty. Democrats and liberal commentators rushed to accuse Romney of bad-faith politics, of ignorance, and of a dangerous extremism. He'll never get into the Council on Foreign Relations now.
The squealing is a sign that Romney hit his target: New START is a bad deal for the United States, and the Senate should send the administration back to the negotiating table...
What the Don't Ask Don't Tell report really says
Press coverage of the new Pentagon Don't Ask Don't Tell report suggests that large majorities of U.S. servicemen and women wouldn't mind the repeal of the military's current policy on gays. Don't believe it.
What the report actually shows is that the military is deeply divided over the policy, both between the service branches and especially between those who have served in combat and those who haven't.
Did you know that 59 percent of Marines who have served in combat say repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell would have a negative effect?
UN Proposal to Prosecute the U.S. for "Ecocide"
.Bolivia has renewed its call for the establishment of an International Tribunal for Climate Justice that would be able to sanction governments that engage in "ecocide," defined as crimes against biodiversity, nature and Mother Earth...
The Difference between ‘World Opinion’ and Left-Wing Opinion
. Here’s a challenge: Can you name one difference between what the media refer to as “world opinion” and left-wing opinion? Take all the time you need.
No matter how much time you take, you probably won’t come up with any examples. Here are examples of major world issues and what is deemed “world opinion” on them.They happen to all be leftist views as well. Hatred of Pres. George W. Bush and admiration of Pres. Barack Obama. Man-made carbon emissions lead to global warming and devastation of the environment; therefore, the world’s nations must tax carbon-based energy...
Rep. Ryan says deficit reduction plan would ‘entrench ObamaCare’
.“The plan accelerates and entrenches ObamaCare,” Ryan said. By taxing employer health plans but leaving the rest of the healthcare reform law in place, the plan presented by the chairmen of the deficit commission would push too many people into healthcare exchanges, which would balloon subsidies paid by the government...
The Littlest Victims of Obamacare
It's time for America's youth to buckle up and take a rough ride on Reality Highway. For the past two years, President Obama has promised our children the moon, stars, rainbows, unicorns and universal health care for all. But the White House Santa's cradle-to-grave entitlement mandates are a spectacularly predictable bust. (Snip) In a related development, over the past several months several insurers across California, Colorado, Ohio and Missouri have dropped child-only plans because of Obamacare-induced premium increases. Untold tens of thousands of families who purchase their plans in the private individual health market will be affected...
There Needs To Be an Insurrection’ Against GOP Leaders If They Don’t Hold Straight Vote to Repeal Obamacare
Rep. Michele Bachmann, founder and chairman of the House Tea Party Caucus, told that there will need to be an “insurrection” against the House Republican leadership if it does not hold an independent, straight up-or-down vote on repealing the entire Obamacare law that does not tie this repeal to other policy initiatives including any effort to “replace” elements of Obamacare with new federal health-care reforms...
Spain and Ireland turn to privatization
... news of the privatization plans came as it emerged that the eurozone bail-out fund will next month begin issuing debt on behalf of embattled member states...
FCC Commissioner Bashes American Media, Laments Lack of Gov’t Oversight Government
"We are not producing the body of news and information that democracy needs to conduct its civic dialogue."
[Incorrect, we're producing more of it than can be consumed - he just doesn't like all of it. He's proposing tyranny.]
Wave goodbye to Internet freedom
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to add the Internet to its portfolio of regulated industries. The agency's chairman, Julius Genachowski, announced Wednesday that he circulated draft rules he says will "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet."
No statement could better reflect the gulf between the rhetoric and the reality of Obama administration policies.
With a straight face, Mr. Genachowski suggested that government red tape will increase the "freedom" of online services that have flourished BECAUSE bureaucratic busybodies have been blocked from tinkering with the Web....