Monday, December 28, 2009

ABC’s Martin Bashir Attacks ‘Brutal Regime’ of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Assails ‘Racial Profiling’

[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]

On Monday’s Nightline, co-host Martin Bashir conducted a one-sided, hostile profile of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s "brutal regime" and attacked his crackdown on illegal immigration as "racial profiling." The 11 minute investigation of the Maricopa County law enforcement official was almost totally negative. [Audio available here.]

After the Arizona sheriff asserted that his critics don’t like him because they oppose immigration endorsement, Bashir opined, "They don't like it because stopping people on the streets because they look Hispanic is racial profiling." In an interview with Newsmax, Arpaio claimed, "We've arrested and detained over 33,000 illegal aliens, 25 percent of the whole country..."

But rather than focus on successes, Bashir complained about the sheriff’s methods: "You're basically using minor misdemeanors, minor mistakes, perhaps speeding, as an excuse to then pick these individuals up?" The Nightline co-host aggressively focused on allegations of abuse. After bringing up claims of brutality and a botched prostitution ring, Bashir derided,

"Doesn’t your brutal regime lead to brutality by your staff?"

[Stay classy ABC...]


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