Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saudis: Investigate Climategate

[HT:CS]Subject: txt grn owg -
What happens when scientific data has been tampered with? You recalibrate. You recalculate. And you invcestigate. Why is it that only some 14th century throwback dictatorship — the House of Saud — is calling for an investigation into Climategate? Are the American media and the world’s democracies so vested in theis religion of Man’s Sin bringing fire and brimstone onto the Earth that they cannot see that they are being played for suckers by Al Gore and his ilk?

This scandal is an embarrassment to the United Nations, the Obama administration and the administration of most of the rest of G-20 - but not nearly so much as their reaction to it...


image toon -grn = alarmists collude

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